Deconovo Blackout curtains keeps you protected at night! As most people, sometimes we are up late at night. It is important that everyone doesn't know it. The only way to keep your house or apartment incognito from those outside is to use blackout curtains . Using black out curtains allows you to have as many lights on at night, without bringing attention to your house. This link to Amazon has a great array of lengths and colors AND has a coupon available to BUY NOW . Walk around your house at all times knowing no one can see in unless you want them to. Blackout curtains are a smart addition to security of your home or apartment. --> Be sure to get some curtain rods ! (check width) Check back next week for another great lifestyle tip form #JaniceKnowsBest ! #DeconovoCurtains #BlackoutCurtains #JaniceKnowsBest