Win a copy of my book DREAM ZONE!

Did you know I wrote a book in 2010? It was a local favorite and sold 400 copies. I plan to have it made into a major film one day. Don't laugh, it might happen. I will give away a copy of the book to anyone who posts a comment below before Friday, September 30, 2022 at 12 noon (CST). The first person to guess a number between 1 - 100 will win. If no one picks the number I will select the person closest to it without going over. This contest run concurrent with the book's blog - If you want to buy a copy of the book - purchase it HERE . I will include a free gift in every order. Here's the original promo video from 2010. Thank you for your support. I have recorded 1/2 of it for Audible. Hopefully in 2023! #DreamZone #JaniceKnowsBest #Giveaway